First - a photo of happy Kirky on move in day after he ventured down to the reserve and came back with mud up to his eyes.
Kirk and Tess relaxing in the lounge after a tough day of following removalists and burying bones!
Our lovely kitchen. Still some boxes to unpack - but nothing we seem to need! Slowly getting organised here.
The dining area, taken from the kitchen. Complete with lots of boxes and muddy footprints all over the floor...
Our lounge. We are keen to order curtains or blinds for this room soon, so will attempt to pick out fabric this weekend. Still thinking about whether to paint the walls a different colour in here. Can't wait to get pictures on the walls this weekend - I hope.
The guest bedroom - currently home to Molly the cat who is spending most days asleep under the doona.
The study - which is actually the largest of the spare bedrooms. We figured this will get the most use, so may as well be the nicest spare room. We have an old sofabed in there for guest overflow!
Our bedroom - with Molly waiting for bedtime. Note our lovely silver/grey silk curtains. Very happy with the choice, exactly the look I was after - a little shimmer without being too Vegas!
The aftermath of our first spa.... I really do need to learn to limit the bubble bath... Very happy we added the headrests too!