We have been given a date for the pre-completion inspection - Monday 25 May. At that time we walk through with our supervisor and our independent inspector to identify anything that needs completion or fixing up. We are not exactly sure what happens then in terms of timing, but will clarify next week. Hopefully handover will be within a couple of weeks of that.
Today we visited the house, just on the outside as all the doors locked as they should be!
This week
- all the tiling done , although still to be grouted
- bath and spa delivered and in place
- downpipes in
- heating and cooling ducts done
- laundry now in place in correct configuration
- ensuite vanity seems to be new and taller (hard to tell from outside)
And what is wrong!
- tiles above bench in laundry should be in brickbond pattern, and are not
- spa delivered does not have the floor air jets installed (a significant $ upgrade!)
- downpipes are the wrong colour. Should be ironstone to match in with the bricks
- plus the pier on the porch with the concealed downpipe has been wet for the last couple of weeks. They seem to have now put a hole in the bricks to end the downpipe, so hopefully that fixes it.
So some photos...
Firstly the front of the house - showing the wet pier and the one of the downpipes in the wrong colour - they shouldn't be a feature! Especially this one at the front of the house that we desperately tried to have in a different location but couldn't.
The laundry - looking good, although tiles laid incorrectly. Very happy with the green colour we chose.
So what is left? As far as we can tell...
- firstly fixing some mistakes!
- grouting of tiles / fixing in baths
- taps and toilets (although they could be in) / assorted plumbing
- splashback in kitchen
- finishing off kitchen island bench
- door knobs
- doors on master wardrobes
- ducted vacuum
- water tank
- garage door
- painting finishing touches
Almost there!
Hi Jo (& Dale too)
ReplyDeleteI think your house looks fantastic! Only had time today to see the photos for the last 2 weeks and there certainly has been lots of progress. Even though the mistakes are annoying it is at least better to see these now rather than later. Cheers Karen Hill
What a nice suprise! Thanks Karen. Very excited that we are near the end. Jo